Oakley Peavler

Technical Skills

JavaScript/TypeScript/ES12+, Node.js, React & Redux/Saga, Python, Rust, Go, Java & Spring, Perl, Docker & Swarm, Git

Relevant Experience

Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack at Cisco - CSIRT | Morrisville, NC
Oct. 2019 - Jan. 2022
  • Engineered and maintained critical software, automation systems, and security infrastructure from the ground up as part of Cisco's Computer Security Incident Response Team, trusted with securing tens of millions of devices across Cisco's network
  • Developed aross a wide spectrum of technologies as part of a senior, language-agnostic development team, from APIs and CLIs in Python and Go, to a drag-and-drop visual workflow automation system in JS, to a real-time data aggregation and search engine in Rust and Java processing billions of records over hundreds of terabytes daily and producing sub-second results
  • Presented monthly product and technical demos for audiences of ~50 stakeholders as part of an agile development cycle
  • Led over eight projects as developer and product owner, working with senior security and network engineers, management across the organization, and colleagues to create critical software used daily in global security operations
Full Stack Software Engineer at AT&T | Durham, NC
Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2019
  • Led full stack test-driven development and architecture of three new enterprise web applications built in React, Redux, and Saga, or Ember and Ember Data, including REST backends built with object-oriented Perl in the Mojolicious MVC framework
  • Continuously maintained, refactored, and extended a massive legacy codebase, managed in a Linux environment, integrating data and functionality from hundreds of REST and SOAP APIs, and MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases
  • Collaborated with teams as large as 30 in an agile environment, training and providing mentorship for newly onboarded and overseas developers, while continuously reinforcing best practices performing code reviews and behavioral QA testing for all team members across frameworks and languages, and working with customers, other development teams, and senior architectural SMEs on a daily basis
Full Stack Web Developer at The Iron Yard | Durham, NC
May 2017 - Aug. 2017
  • Progressed and enhanced front-end development skills by completing weekly and bonus projects using ES6, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 and Sass, among other frameworks and libraries
  • Gained foundational knowledge of new back-end languages and frameworks including Node.js and Ruby on Rails
  • Fostered a high level of confidence developing daily as part of a team in an agile environment
Sales Representative at AT&T | Lexington, KY
Aug. 2016 - May 2017
  • Utilized technical knowledge and communication skills to solve the diverse problems of a continuous flow of customers in a way that creates sales and maintains their satisfaction with the company's service
  • Trained new employees while working in multiple stores that lead strongly in sales among other carriers in the area
Independently Contracted Web Developer at S.O.N. | Nashville, TN
Apr. 2015 - Sept. 2015
  • Worked directly with a non-technical client, to design and develop a near production-ready online shopping website
Intern Web Developer at Cyber Sciences Inc | Nashville, TN
Apr. 2014 - Sept. 2014
  • Acted as the sole web developer, managing a full project life cycle directly with the President and Vice President, integrating MailChimp API and a custom CMS with PHP and MySQL on the back end
  • Developed, documented, and designed a database-driven corporate website used for over 3 years after departure
Intern Android Developer at Awesome Inc | Lexington, KY
Aug. 2012 - July 2012
  • Designed and developed a prototype Android Gingerbread app in Java for the company's news feed with mentorship from the founder

Open Source

Freebets (2022): Real-time AI & technical horse betting platform

Python & FastAPI PostgreSQL Clickhouse Catboost Typescript React Redux/Saga Docker/Swarm

Mandelatar.com (2022): Like Gravatar, but with the Mandelbrot Set

Rust & Actix Web WASM JS/ES12+ Cloud/Edge Infrastructure Docker/Swarm


The Iron Yard: Completed 600+ hours of work overall to receive a certificate of course completion

University of Kentucky: Completed 50+ credit hours towards a degree in Computer Engineering